A balanced diet should be part of any weight control plan. A diet high in complex carbohydrates and moderate in protein and fat will complement an exercise program. It should include enough calories to satisfy your daily nutrient requirements and include the proper number of servings per day from the "basic four food groups" : vegetables and fruits (4 servings), breads and cereals (4 servings), milk and milk products (2 - 4 depending on age) and meats and fish (2).
Experts recommend that your daily intake not fall below 1200 calories unless you are under a doctor's supervision. Also, weekly weight loss should not exceed two pounds.
Remarkable claims have been made for a variety of "crash" diets and diet pills. And some of these very restricted diets do result in noticeable weight loss in a short time. Much of this loss is water and such a loss is quickly regained when normal food and liquid intake is resumed. These diet plans are often expensive and may be dangerous. Moreover, they do not emphasize lifestyle changes that will help you maintain your desired weight. Dieting alone will result in a loss of valuable body tissue such as muscle mass in addition to a loss in fat.
The estimates for number of calories (energy) used during a physical activity are based on experiments that measure the amount of oxygen consumed during a specific bout of exercise for a certain body weight.
The energy costs of activities that require you to move your own body weight, such as walking or jogging, are greater for heavier people since they have more weight to move. For example, a person weighing 150 pounds would use more calories jogging one mile than a person jogging alongside who weighs 115 pounds. Always check to see what body weight is referred to in caloric expenditure charts you use.
A. Sedentary Activities | Energy Costs |
Cals/Hour* | |
Lying down or sleeping | 90 |
Sitting quietly | 84 |
Sitting and writing, card playing, etc. | 114 |
B. Moderate Activities | (150-350) |
Bicycling (5 mph) | 174 |
Canoeing (2.5 mph) | 174 |
Dancing (Ballroom) | 210 |
Golf (2-some, carrying clubs) | 324 |
Horseback riding (sitting to trot) | 246 |
Light housework, cleaning, etc. | 246 |
Swimming (crawl, 20 yards/min) | 288 |
Tennis (recreational doubles) | 312 |
Volleyball (recreational) | 264 |
Walking (2 mph) | 198 |
C. Vigorous Activities | More than 350 |
Aerobic Dancing | 546 |
Basketball (recreational) | 450 |
Bicycling (13 mph) | 612 |
Circuit weight training | 756 |
Football (touch, vigorous) | 498 |
Ice Skating (9 mph) | 384 |
Racquetball | 588 |
Roller Skating (9 mph) | 384 |
Jogging (10 minute mile, 6 mph) | 654 |
Scrubbing Floors | 440 |
Swimming (crawl, 45 yards/min) | 522 |
Tennis (recreational singles) | 450 |
X-country Skiing (5 mph) | 690 |
*Hourly estimates based on values calculated for calories burned per minute for a 150 pound (68 kg) person.
*(Sources: "William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch, "Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance" (2nd edition), Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1986; Melvin H. Williams, "Nutrition for Fitness and Sport," William C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, 1983).
Source : The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
The consumer health information on FitSync.com is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions. You should promptly seek professional medical care if you have any concern about your health, and you should always consult your physician before starting a fitness regimen.