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Why Lift Weights?

  • To get the after-exercise metabolic effects.
    • More muscles burn more fat!
  • Muscles can improve appearance
    • Sculpt your body into the shape you want.
  • Weight lifting makes your muscles stronger
    • Do aerobic activities more intensely.

You've never lifted weights before? Here are some tips!

The magic numbers are 8 through 12
Find a weight (or a position, if you are using your body as the weight) that you can lift 8-12 times before you get tired or feel the burn. If you can lift the weight more than 12 times, you need something heavier. If you can't lift it at least 8 times, you need a lighter weight. Doing 8-12 repetitions is called a set. Beginners should do one or two sets.

Work the large muscles first
Small muscles fatigue faster. When they get exhausted they can't assist the large muscles. So, work the large muscles first (chest, back, shoulders, thighs) and the smaller muscles last (arms, calves, abdominals).

Remember to breathe!
This sounds silly, but beginners often hold their breath during lifting, which can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure. Exhale while lifting and inhale during the return or relaxing phase.

Wait 48 hours between sessions
Muscles taxed by weight lifting need about 48 hours to repair. You must give your muscles time to recover so that you get the fat burning benefits.

Seek guidance from a fitness instructor
If you belong to a gym, consider personal training so you can learn proper form or seek guidance from a friendly fitness instructor.

The consumer health information on is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions. You should promptly seek professional medical care if you have any concern about your health, and you should always consult your physician before starting a fitness regimen.