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"Being successful at fitness requires the ability to adapt. You shouldn't outline a program and then etch it in stone; make modifications to enhance it. That's always been my approach." (from Nolan Ryan's Pitcher's Bible)

Define Your Goals
Decide what you want out of a fitness program and set goals. Doing so will keep you on track and help you motivate yourself to achieve the goals you set.

Design a Program
Build a fitness program based on your needs and abilities (as defined by your fitness assessment), and on your desires (as defined by your personal goals). Take into consideration the time you have available and the activities you enjoy.

Track Your Progress
Keeping track of your progress will not only keep you focused on your goal, but can help keep you motivated, as you witness how far you've come. Then you can reward yourself for a job well done!

Source : The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

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